Other people who have similar dreams and loves as me are great at supporting me. Find your people. #FindYourGood

Optional Hashtags: #FindYourGood #ChooseNotToUse #ChooseNoBooze #YouAreGood

“Otras personas que tienen sueños y pasiones similares a los míos me dan un gran apoyo. Encuentren a su gente.” #EncuentraTuMotivación #FindYourGood

Hashtags opcionales: #EncuentraTuMotivación #FindYourGood #EligeNoConsumir #ChooseNotToUse #DileNoAlAlcohol #ChooseNoBooze #EresBueno #YouAreGood

«Другие люди, у которых такие же мечты и предпочтения, как у меня, отлично меня поддерживают. Ищите своих людей». #НайдиСвоеРешение

Дополнительные хештеги: #НайдиСвоеРешение #ВыбериЖизньБезВеществ #ВыбериЖизньБезВыпивки #ТвойВыборПравильный

How to Use this Toolkit

The Find Your Good campaign aims to engage youth on social media with the question: What’s your good?

Share the Good

Download the images and corresponding messages and post on your social media channels to share the good from the teens who created this campaign.

Start a Conversation

Share these examples with the youth you’re working with, then ask them what their good is, what keeps them from using and abusing alcohol or other substances. Encourage them to share their good on their social media channels with any of the hashtags:
