As school administrators, counselors, and educators, you play an important role in a student’s life. That’s why we’ve developed a collection of research-based materials to use as tools to educate yourself as well as connect with youth and teens about vaping.
E-Cigarette and Vaping Resources
Sometimes you just don’t know where to turn to when it comes to basic information about vaping. We’ve collected a variety of information and links from trusted sources to help you get started. Click on a category below to find available resources.
Administrator Resources
Discipline rules and policy guidance.
Educator Resources
Vaping and vapor product facts, teaching materials, and online interactive games to assist with educating youth.
Resources for Counselors and Health Care Professionals
Red flags for supports, health risks of e-cigarettes and quitting resources.
Resources for Parents
Parents can go here for information about vaping, tobacco, how to talk to their kids, and lots more!
Prevention Resources & Contacts
State resources, national resources, prevention programs and contacts throughout the state.
E-Cigarette Informational Videos
Vaping And The Coronavirus
Give Your Lungs a Fighting Chance
People who smoke or vape may be more likely to develop serious health complications from COVID-19. Smoking weakens the immune system, making it harder for your body to fight off viral infections – especially those attacking the lungs, like COVID-19. Additionally, initial findings suggest that vaping may increase lung inflammation and exacerbate lung infections. This important information can be shared using the printable infographic here. Click on the image to download.
American Lung Association Vape-Free Schools Initiative
Posters and documents to print and use where appropriate.
Get the Facts about Vaping/JUULing

E-cigs, electronic cigarettes, JUULs
What is Vaping?
Vapor products produce aerosol by heating a liquid solution. Users inhale the aerosol into the lungs. There are chemicals and nicotine in the aerosol, not just water vapor.
Laws & Legal Status
The law applies to what is being vaped in an e-cig. Meaning, in Washington State, marijuana vaping is legal for adults over 21, and vaping nicotine is legal for adults over 18. As of Jan. 1, 2020 it will be illegal to sell or give tobacco or vaping products to people under age 21.
Affect on Your Developing Brain
While the brain is still developing, young people are at higher risk for long-term, long-lasting effects of exposure to nicotine, including an increased risk of addiction. Nicotine can harm the parts of the brain that control attention and learning.
Is it Addicting?
Yes. Nicotine is addicting to young people and adults. Young people's brains are growing faster than adult brains, and are therefore can get addicted more easily than adults.
Affect on Your Body
Scientists are still trying to understand the long-term health effects of vaping, both for users and those exposed to vaping second-hand. Vaping is known to have negative affects on respiratory health because of the harmful and potentially harmful chemicals in the e-cigs, including nicotine and other chemicals linked to lung disease.
What if someone needs help?
Teen Link: 1-866-Teenlink
Available 6pm–10pm PST
Teen Talk: 360-397-2428
Available Monday –Thursday 4-9pm, Friday 4-7pm PST
Where to go for more info
Funding for this website was made possible (in part) by the Washington State Department of Health, Commercial Tobacco Prevention Program.